View Full Version : If ever

14-01-2014, 09:05 AM
I see a new thread on here started by a new poster, I immediately think of Simon and his many alias's! It cannot be a goon because not enough of them can use a computer, which is why they don't have a board on here. Failing all else it must be one of our friends from the "Sam In, Sam Out" brigade.:D :D

14-01-2014, 09:20 AM
[quote="davee59" brigade.:D :D[/quote]

Davee, I read that post a couple of hours ago but what I can't understand is the fact that if the poster is banned, as it says he/she is, how come they can post their clap-trap?

Or if they still can post prior to their being banned, how come their original post remains? Can't it be deleted?

And aren't specific IP addresses logged, so that we can stop mentally deficient dorks continually posting their crap under different aliases?

I mean, this Simon character, has he got as many computers as he's obviously got aliases?

14-01-2014, 12:39 PM
I don't think that IP addresses are used in banning Cliffy as Simon, Mr Silly, bbbbb etc used to annoy the Spammer board as much as he does ours and still comes on regardless.

The terminology/content is usually the same in that at 1st he usually puts on some debatable posts which are worth reading and then gets silly but in this case he went straight to being silly for some reason!

17-01-2014, 10:27 PM
When I was banned I could get no reply when asking admin why.
However, it was simple to use a proxy server to post on the board and find out.

There are plenty of free proxy servers available now probably due to the rise in trolls and nonces and not the 'browsing in privacy' bo-llocks.

He craves attention as he cannot get any in reality. The change of the username is just a ploy to at least getting a view.
For him a view is worth a few rubs of the balls.
A reply and he has a tug.
A whole thread is cause for his celebration in major masturbation! :O