Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
I couldn't disagree more. The officials in general do as good a job as human error allows. VAR will look at something for 5 minutes with the benefit of all camera angles and slow motion replays, and still get it wrong. Even then the 'experts' on MOTD will disagree on what was right. How the f@ck can you expect a ref and lino to get it right in a split second?????
Yes, VAR as failed so far and there are no signs of it succeeding any time soon.
Accuracy isn't the only consideration. When it was introduced, I think most people thought along the lines of - yes, we'll trade off some disruption to the game, and loss of flow, for a much greater level of accuracy. I think that was the deal, then. But we have a disappointing improvement in accuracy and IMO a catastrophic disruption to the entire experience of enjoying a football match. They haven't been able to make it work so I'd prefer it to go (or be mothballed for a half-decade and only tried again if it's fixed).