Not that I can see us changing shape or formation anytime soon, we all sit there and think what would we do differently.

Would a 442 or 4411 help us solidify the back line and still create chances?

By my reckoning, Macari could play RB without too much stress.
Baldwin and Warner in the middle.
Cameron at left back is my concern. Has he got the legs for it and the concentration? I’m not his biggest fan anyways, but his lack of concentration, his throwing himself to the floor antics and his lack of defensive nouse worry me.

If Chicksen was fit, I suppose he could come in?

Macari Baldwin Warner Cameron

Robertson as the anchor midfielder to put his foot in (which he did more and more at the weekend) and a creative passer next to him. On current form Bostock and Crawley are a no for me, leaving us with untested Colkett. (No idea about the guy until we’ve seen him a few times. Is he even match fit?)
Leave JJ and Nemane to be proper wingers.

Nemane Robertson Colkett Jones

Front pairing of Macca and Didzy, both rotating off each other with the dropping back etc…

Macca Didzy.

Do we lose too much creativity wise in the middle?
Would Nemane and JJ prosper without so many defensive duties, including throw ins?
Would the defence stand up better with a deeper line of 4?
Cameron and the 2nd midfielder slot are the worries. Bostock should hold that place or Crawley, but they’re both badly out of form.