Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post

Only if the selection committees deselect, which they won't. Most of the Electorate haven't a clue who represents them, never mind on how they vote on a particular issue.
All that is happening now, is an early election.

The debate will happen
They vote to grudgingly preceed
The those un elected arseholes in the Lords will try to block it.

It's a mess, because Caemeron didn't do his job and cover the wording correctly. In fact he was such an arsehole, he made no proviso's if the vote went against him. His own arrogance was un believable and he had to quit before he was pushed.

So what's left?

A mess of a political system
The destruction of the Labour party.

The best thing to come out of this, is that now they Know the people are not putting up with their **** anymore.