Slowly but surely Freedom of Speech will be a thing of the past the way things are going.

I reserve my right to call someone from Liverpool a bin dipper, an Irishman Paddy, the Jewish Yids, Polish Pole's, Japanese Nip's, a Pakistani a P a k i, a gay a shirtlifter, a blackboard will forever be what it is, a Blackboard, same with a Man hole cover.

With the above I don't mean anything derogatory , racist or ***ist by it, its what I and many of us have grown up with.

I woke up this morning with the talk show radio station LBC as I usually do and kept hearing "The B word", I was wondering what this word was when the penny dropped just as I just spooned my breakfast of Cornflakes and fruit into my mouth, needless to say it was sprayed all over the dinning room table.

The word was "Bitch", has it come to this now that that word cannot be used on the radio ?

I refer to Labour MP Clive Lewis who told actor Sam Swann to “get on your knees bitch” at a fringe event, Swann later described the situation as “jovial”.

Everyone and his dog who have authority only in their own head have commented,

Harriet Harman wrote: “Inexplicable. Inexcusable. Dismayed.” Stella Creasy said: “It’s not OK. Even if it’s meant as a joke, reinforces menace that men have the physical power to force compliance.”

"reinforces menace that men have the physical power to force compliance.” I think Stella Creasy does not even understand the meaning of the joke at all.

I find it strange that it is seemingly O.K. for Black folk to call fellow black folk N i g g e r yet white people are not, I was married to a black women for 12 years and a few times in fun/jest used to call her N i g g e r.

MP Clive Lewis has apologised, WHAT THE HELL FOR ?