Quote Originally Posted by Andy_Faber View Post
Agree with most of that, with the caveat that I wouldn't want to come across the fellah in actual real life. IMO if UK was run by businessmen (proper businessmen not financiers) instead of politicians, we'd be a lot better off.
Really? Mm now remind me how many times has Trump gone bankrupt? How many millions of dollars has he defaulted on? Why is it he cannot get business finance from mainstream sources and how much of his so called empire does he actually own?

The answeres can be simply googled as can a true state of the mans dealings.

If Trump is prime example of a businessman then maybe thats why we need government? I do smile when people talk about how those in the "real world" would run things so much better!

Yes rampant uncontrolled businessmen would of course manage things so much better, they would avoid monopolies ensuring people had choice, there would be no rip off scams, products such as food or medcines would never be unadulterated for profit, there would never be devices on cars that give false readings on emissions, businessmen would voluntarily pay a living wage and give workers holidays, an airline would never cancel thousands of flihts and then try and avoid fully compensating its customers, a respected supermarket chain would never hide the extent of its losses and therefore mislead shareholders and investors. Businesses would of their own free will club together to pay for infrastructure like roads, railways hospitals, schools, sewerage, water etc.

Perhaps the answer is that politicians should be more like they used to be and actually be drawn from a wide variety of back grounds rather than be career politicians and that those who constantly criticise all politicians got off their arses and contributed themselves rather than relying on others?