Its starting to get a bit boring now!

Its pretty straight forward in my opinion - if you dont want the job make it known to the Directors at the club and then issue a statement to that effect.

When watching a program on TV regarding someone who is being questioned regarding an offence and they reply 'no comment' then you automatically think - GUILTY!

There is clearly mileage in what is being rumoured otherwise we would have heard contrary to that.

The club can only blame itself for not offering him a deal that is in my opinion befitting of someone with his potential. He is one of the few managers in the game that appears to actually improve a player - can the same be said of alot of the very 'top' managers in the world?

If we now go back with an improved deal it is very much a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

With regards to 3 years contract etc then it is irrelevant, a manager will generally receive no more than 75% of 1 years salary as severance money so 1 or 10 years is of no significance. The bigger lure here is that in Sunderland you have arguably one of the top 10-12 supported teams in the country.

I am afraid to say that when he probably leaves (Which I think the only stumbling block will be Sunderlands financial clout or possibly lack of) then we will be seeing another repeat of Mick McCarthy and the 'he's a local bloke and Barnsley will be his swansong'.

He is the best manager we have had since Wilsons first stint and more fool us for not acknowledging this sooner.