Recently I've been looking at Midland clubs finances detail ...........Mmm

So, Wolves on course for PL.
Not since Reading in 2006 with a 106 points haul was it such a cert.
Money does talk getting to the top now ........

A detailed investigation documentary by Nick McGeehan soon to be aired in UK 'bout the men behind Man City which shows how a regressive regime has sort to promote itself through investment into football will have serious repercussions ..................
The Wolves owner Guo Guangchang didn't build an empire without help from China's one party state ...........
Wolves haven't broken any rules yet - as FFP states no more than £39 million over three seasons if they go up and if they don't get up they'll escape punishment by offloading record buys Neves £15.5 million & Costa - deals done by Agent Jorge Mendes (agent of Ronaldo & Mourinho) in fact he is the Agent for many Wolves imports including their Manager Santo proving its 'who you know' in the game.With an unlimited budget for Wolves, and remaining buoyant in the PL,buying a whole new team will not be a problem - The Wolves owner has stated top four finish in PL recently is possible. Mmm,until it goes wrong and the owner 'flips' 'em onto a market not so keen on buying them as we well know.
Only one winner - Agent Mendes or any Agent given an unlimited budget but what about the bloke who is in charge of recruitment,in our case Orta on a budget.What that budget and plan is may not appear to be a chosen vein of discussion on 'ere but will be the answer to frustrations expressed,IMO.The policy he's doing is the policy the Rad wants doing in fairness and it's the Rads plan too.