everyone going on about what a master stroke it was rafa getting the goalie etc

the same numties who this season have said more times than i have said we didnt need to concentrate on a keeper have said the lads weere fizy /chimpo players

me and a couple of thers have said they aint
we have some very good players if you play to their strengths

we have some decent premier players .
thekeeper looks good
and at 4 mill he does look a bargain

but you are all focusing on him when there were others who played great and you are doing the lads a dis service

Diam played great he cant defend but he can break up play but not when we play tight and sit back

yedlin did very well

ritchie was great (how many have slagged him off in recent weeks) he aint a chimpo player far from it

even gayle and perez looked decent

because we didnt sit back at home
we played to our strengths or the players strenghts

if we had sat back the kepper would not have been as effective

why do i say that
because when he came for those crosses etc he would have had more opposition players in the box

and remeber as good as we were
manure were poor

rafa got the tactics right on this occasion
lets hope he now realises our players are better than he and nearly everyone on here thinks

they are not fizzy/chimpo players as many suggest

played to their strengths they are a top 10 team