Quote Originally Posted by Ozwhites View Post
Yeah but you could have the same concerns about having Wiedweld in against a free scoring Wolves also. �� So exactly what is the risk? We aren't going to make the playoffs, so what the hell!
Fair question, this is the risk as I see it,

BPF is a very young keeper whom we hope will make that step up to becoming first choice. However, just like when Carson played against Croatia, its was a move of desperation to play him in goal, in a team that was all over the place and were well beaten. Carson's performance in that match did not meet the expected standard and he got savaged by the support, media and never played for England again and his own performances and league level dipped for a long time.

I wouldn't want BPF to be thrown in to the Lions mouth, against a quality Wolve's teams, especially when our side have been so inconsistent. If he makes 1 or 2 mistakes or is on the end of a hammering it could really haunt him, drain his confidence and set his progress back for quite a while, which would not be to anyone's benefit. He could pull off a MoM performance though I think its unlikely. If he is good enough and ready to play against Wolve's, then he would already have made more starts for us.

If we are looking to develop BPF long term, there are definitely much better games to give him his full debut in.

WW has a lot of big match experience behind him and whilst he is error prone, he has also proven he can produce good displays as well at this level.

That's just how I see it.