Well the well dressed barrow man returns to the club he loves so much. Of course I'm talking of Harry Hill's lookalike Keith Hill.
He talks of how Rotherham United as if we are massive cheats but the season we were deducted points we had to pay more for players to even think about coming to our club. Not only that the players signed had all sorts of Bàllox put into their contracts. It wasn't a fair playing feild but I don't think that he's ever had to fight from -10 or -17 at the start of a season! He hasn't a clue of how the troubles have effected our club and can't compare having a correct ballance sheet to having to carry buckets arround hoping that you're going to be able to finish a season. Seriously he's upset himself by picking a mental fight with us. On every turn he must surely find reason for being wrong or he's just a diçk!!!!

I'm not sure what type of team talk Warne will give today. I think he should be stricked with the defenders because I reckon that Rochdale will not have many chances to get out of their half for long spells of the match but when they do we have to be switched on and be back in an organised defence to block what the do.

It's almost a full third of a season now this run without defeat. Can we add another? It seems to have been an age since we played last!

Enjoy the match guys and dolls!!!