No political or misogynistic intent here, but with almost another week before any meaningful football here’s a question.
We see ever more high profile women’s rugby, football and cricket these days...probably unthinkable twenty five years ago...but I’d suggest that we still have to accept that the ‘best’ footballers, rugby players, cricketers, boxers, tennis players and athletes are all men. For that reason it seems unlikely that we will see men competing against women, or even in organised ‘mixed’ teams at a professional level in the foreseeable future.
There must be sports however where the gender barriers are artificial and unnecessary. I know little about either but anything to do with horses and cars would seem to provide opportunity for men and women to compete equally as would such ‘pastime sports’ as darts, snooker and shooting.
Thoughts or additions to the list of where men and women can compete equally at the highest level?