The remainers continueto try and thwart Brexit and this move, plays right in to the EU's hands. The EU now know that we can effectively, no longer hold the 'no deal' scenario over them, game over and whatever your views, that was a big card to hold. Had we been able to have the option of walking away with the £30-50 Billion we promised them, that would have provided some leverage but that seems to have gone with this vote.

All parties should be united in getting the best deal for the UK without staying tied in to the EU but this would remove one of our biggest batgaining tools. If the remainerrs can't avoid Brexit, they're determined to get it on their own terms.

Some are determined to stay tied to the EU regardless and without any kind of vote on anything at all, what would be the point, we may as well just ignore the vote cos they won't be happy until it's overturned.