Ask Griff, hes an expert on rear end action. I reckon hes had several litre bottles jammed in. Any way, i was wondering what you know about *** Chalky. You have been married, but i cant imagine anything beyond still having your jim jams on, and a one minute tango.

I may be wrong of course. Connie is a woman of the world and expects her man to please her. I have known a few former partners who have lost five pounds in one night. And eventually had a tongue that could lift a dumb bell. Depending on your reply, i may reopen your case with her. A woman her age finds it hard to get a man of equal status, so she may look benevolently on a lower person, but with the cubic capacity to finish the course.

The rewards will be huge, the best hotels etc, but dont expect a love job. Having said that who knows, the best relationships are between a bright person and a not so bright one, there is no fighting over power. Frank, not Jeremy, i hope you can tell the difference.