Quote Originally Posted by FatherKnowsBest View Post
Working nearby, we'd call in the Pump for lunch, or occasionally the Bier Keller for the stripper (seems strange, by modern standards, doesn't it?). The lunchtime ones usually had plenty of stretch marks and looked like they were trying to decide what to cook for their husbands tea, rather than being alluring and seductive...
Haha that’s true FKB. I remember the BK purely as a place that we just got a bit bladdered, there wasn’t any strippers back in the day, but a few years later I had the dubious pleasure of working on equipment there a few times when the afternoon strippers were on. Not easy to focus with all that going on although not as distracting as in the Gaitey pub in Leeds where the topless waitress used to rest their thruppennies on a tray while chatting to me while the stripper plied her trade. Touch times to be an engineer