Quote Originally Posted by rodcurrie View Post
The thick pigs have certainly mis-handled this situation Redders,but it could happen to us in't future. English clubs have been cherry pickin foreign talent for decades aint they? I luv watchin our academy sides but summat needs sortin to stop the BIG clubs just comin and tekin kids from academies such as ours for next to nowt cos it does happen alot,if they want these kids meaningful compo needs payin in my opinion.UTCB
Not sure how else the club/Chansiri could have handled it rodders, in the absence of the Hirst side of the story we only have Chansiri's version of it & to me that version makes sense.

George, according to Chansiri, was offered the best contract the club has ever offered a player of his age & standing, he turned it down, now we have the not so clear part where he didn't play, as far as we know a loan deal to another club, possibly Rotherham, was included in the deal....all he had to do was sign the contract...he didn't, so it's on him/them/his dad/agent/advisors.

What were the club supposed to do once the offer was rejected, also, if George wasn't David's son would it have been different, personally I think it would, none of the other young players have had trouble signing their contracts with latest being the lad from Bulgaria, the exception being Sean Clare, who, in spite of Wednesday fans singing "he's one our own" isn't & is from London & may want to move back down there.

When George came to prominence & many were saying how good he is I was excited....the son of a Wednesday legend scoring goals for fun tends to get interest very high, people were saying all sorts of things about him despite having never seen him play, the 'Hirst' factor is very large in all of this....slowly & then very quickly it all went very dark, rumours left right & centre....his dad seems to have had a very negative affect on all this but we don't really know that...my feeling right now is that I can't wait for him to leave, too many bridges have been burnt it seems, I wish him luck but that's it, needs to be over now, we have other very good youngsters at the moment which is a nice change considering how United's academy have performed......would have been good for Hirst junior to smash a few in for us but hey...whatever, it's not happening now.