So its confirmed that he is going to be prosecuted for negligence manslaughter over the 95 Hillsborough deaths. As have 4 others I believe on different charges.

Ridiculous waste of time and money, the guy was simply doing his job, perhaps badly I accept. He is 73, long retired - what is the point, other than to pander to the families of the victims?

But it sets a very dangerous precedent. All people doing their day to day jobs who make errors of judgement will now fear fines or jail sentences. Why should people step up to the plate in the future and bother taking on responsible positions. Sure if you make a mistake then you should take your licks in the workplace, perhaps losing your job, but this is just a step to far.

Its just wrong; nothing can bring the victims back. The families have had their assertions proved in the enquiries after their long fight for "justice". But this is not "justice" in my book, its just vindictiveness.