It's pretty cringe worthy looking at Theresa May. How in the hell do you keep quiet when you guest shows no manners. Would Maggie whatever her faults may be put up with this kind behaviour?

Why do western leaders still try and mollycoddle Trump?
Forget about descending to his level. He takes it as a right to insult and talk rubbish. You don't give in to this kind of person especially when he's in a position of strength. He's not President of Zimbabwe.

You tell him back off. When he bluffs with fake news you point it out that he's the one telling it. Why have a special relationship if it's a subservient one?
Donald Tusk put it succinctly, you're the one that needs allies more than us.

Anyway that said I'm far from impressed with all these protests. Where were they when Mugabe, Xi and some other despots came?
And the fact remains, despite him being a prat, you should always invite the American President. As a mark of respect for the office, the people who voted for him and for the country itself.

Finally, of course he wants Boris to be PM. He'll roll him over and over and the stupid buffoon will keep coming back to him like a mangy dog looking for scraps.
As bad as May is, Boris will take to another even lower level.