Quote Originally Posted by sinkov View Post
Of course 59/60, we have to make contingency plans, but this is a two way thing. It's not just the UK that has problems if these two sets of morons can't come up with an amicable arrangement for us to continue trading tariff free with each other. The EU is also making contingency plans for their difficulties, but this being done calmly and quietly, no Project Fear on the other side of the Channel.

There have been worries about lorries queues stretching from Dover to London, what about the lorry queues stretching from Calais to Paris, Zeebrugges to Brussels? Not a word.
The Irish have been saying, incorrectly, that our planes wouldn't be able to use Irish airspace. No mention of the dire impact that would have on Aer Lingus or Ryanair.
We've been told our planes wouldn't be able to land in EU countries, no mention of the devastating effect this would have on the tourist industries in Greece, Portugal and Spain to name but three.
We are told there will be a food shortage in the UK, as we import so much of our fruit and veg from the EU. No mention of the devastating impact this would have on the growers and exporters of said fruit and veg in the EU, who depend on the UK market to survive.
Similar problems for Wine, Champagne and Cognac exporters in France, car manufacturers in France, Germany and Italy, wine exporters in numerous EU countries.
I could go on and on, this is a two way thing, problems for both the UK and EU. But while the problems for us hit the headlines every day, it's all quiet over there, their problems are never highlighted, no one moans, no one complains, it's all brushed under the carpet.

Which is why it's called Project Fear Mark 2. That's precisely what it is.
I agree with almost all of that Sinkov! Of course it is a two way problem.
But, quite rightly, UK businesses, Government and other bodies are concentrating on the effect on our country.
Everyone knows that EU countries will have to live with the consequences too, but our focus must be on our country.

If the Guardian did a splash piece about the problems of Italian grape growers then I reckon you would be critical of the paper and say, "Bugger the Italians. Why don't they concentrate on UK companies and their problems?"

There will be many European companies drawing up their own contingency plans...who knows? Perhaps some people are accusing them of Project Fear when, in effect, they are trying to minimise the impact of a no deal.