Well I was entertained at that.

Still not 100 % yet, but some of those players are a cut above.
The Portuguese lads. made Bournemouth look silly at times. They look nonchalant, then explode into the game.
Skill levels are a joy to watch.

Back four played very well, Fox in particular. ( must be the biggest turn around of a player in 12 months ever)
In second half, Bournemouth only got out of their half a couple of times, leaving Pants a virtual spectator.

despite Bournemouth being piss poor, I was impressed in their positional discipline.
They could spring from everyone behind the ball, to 2 at the back in an instant.
Didn't do them much good though.

Second half saw the whole front line change. If anything the grip on the game got tighter. lolley in particular being a machine with his hounding.

I still want to see that quality DCM.
Murphy needs shooting. Grabban came on and did more in 5 mins, than he did in 45.