I have just returned from driving to and from Monifieth and witnessed four instances of near accidents by impatient drivers not paying attention to other motorists.
The first incident took place at the traffic lights at Claypotts heading easterly. A car in the left hand thought that he would move to the other lane immediately in front of me without using his right hand indicator. I had to blast my horn and my wife who was sitting in the front passenger seat remarked that it was the first time that she had heard the car horn being used since we got our car in May 2017.
There is a limited edition range of Islay cars which have no indicators because on Islay most of the locals do not bother using the indicators when turning left or right or overtaking. It looks like some of the Islay edition cars have also been sold in the Dundee area.
The second incident took place close to the Ashludie roundabout again heading easterly where a Wickes lorry realised that he was in the wrong lane and barged in front of a car in the right hand lane which like was in the right hand lane prior to driving towards the old Ashludie Hospital. The Wickes lorry was also going this way and turned into Seaview Primary School. If it had been me who had to brake sharply when the Wickes lorry driver had jumped lanes I would have stopped at Seaview PS and given him a piece of my mind.
The next near accident took place when we were returning back to Dundee and at the Claypotts traffic lights a van coming from the Michelin direction drove through a red light forcing a car heading easterly to brake sharply to avoid hitting this van broadside. I followed this van which had the initials DBS on the rear to the Scott Fyffe roundabout giving it a wide berth.
Finally at the Mid Craigie roundabout a car shot out of Old Craigie Road in front of me forcing me to brake.
This motorist was obviously in too much of a hurry to wait until the road was clear before driving onto the roundabout.
I know that everybody likes to get from A to B but it is better to be late than dead on arrival!