Thought this deserved a thread of its own.

On another thread someone intimated that some Millers may yearn for the days of old, the days at Millmoor. Citing the atmosphere that could be generated at the old ground, it was suggested we could perhaps have mixed feelings about our new venue.

My initial reaction was to balk at the idea. I no not on miller who would swap the NYS for Millmoor. But then it dawned on me, as far as I'm aware I don't personally know anyone who posts on here. So perhaps I get a skewed view based just on my circle of friends.

So, what do others think of NYS, does anyone hanker for Millmoor? Indeed, is there anyone out there who actually enjoyed the DVS experience (&#128533?

As I stated on the other thread, I think the fact that we moved from DVS to NYS, rather than directly from Millmoor, helped matters. In my opinion we'd already grieved for the old girl. That said, even if we'd come straight down the road from Masborough I think I wouldn't be shedding any tears. I look at Millmoor now with pitty, not with yearning. I associate it with the Booths rightly or wrongly. NYS is better than anything I could ever have dreamt of.

What are your views?