Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
Why on earth can't the NHS pay for their own despatch riders? These daft sods are playing right into the Tory Party/Lib Dem Alliance "back to serfdom" plans.

You know the mantra, "Club together, don't rely on the State to provide the basics, look after your own and please die early then we don't have to provide you with a pension!" That philosophy comes straight out of the Theresa May Handbook. The Tories have taken the Lib/Dems out of the loop but you can't take the Lib/Dems out of the Tory Party.
The NHS won't pay for their own despatch riders, in fact, the London Ambulance Service is even thinking of getting rid of its Motor Cycle Unit which responds faster than anyone to emergencies on the streets of London because they are able to get through the traffic easier than anything. This unit comprises senior paramedics who are extremely competent and have saved many, many lives and who enjoy their particular type of service, however, morale is being affected and rather than face the prospect of going back on the 'wagons' many are considering leaving a service which, because of mismanagement, has lost a lot of staff during the past couple of years and has even tried recruiting in Australia, promising any newcomers some ridiculous benefits.

More power to the Blood bikers ---they do a brilliant job and, like so many of us who carry out voluntary work, they are happy to do it without any recognition at all. Scabs indeed!! Well put me in that group as well because I help soldiers, sailors and airmen and their families who, sometimes, desperately need help so I suppose that I am taking the place of a social worker except that many have been kicked into touch already through the social services!