Right guys .... Ah'm prob gonna regret postin this, cos you will all think Ah'm spikkin shiτe ( fit's new? ) ... but Ah feel a responsibility to share this uncanny occurrence of jist a few minutes ago.

I bought this Snaktastics selection of 8 savoury snacks ... ye ken? wee crackers, savoury biscuity things, mini pretzels ....

Onywye, Ah wis feelin a wee bit peckish, so Ah got masel a bowl, and went aboot pickin up a few o' each kind o' mini snack, and poppin them in the bowl .... but then Ah grabbed some o' the dark broon mini pretzel thingies.... and drapped them on top o' the rest o' the mix.

Noo .... these mini pretzels are formed as capital letters .... like alphabetti spaghetti if ye like .... and as Ah drapped said pretzels intae the bowl, Ah immediately saw that there were seven of them ... and, Ah kid ye not, the seven mini pretzel letters were exactly those required to spell 'MAX LOWE' ..... Ah'm nae at aa superstitious or onythin, but Ah hae tae admit, Ah'm considerin a wee punt at the bookies aheid o' the Farts game