Picked a cracker today

Morton 5-1 Partick Thistle

Sh@te weather aye but it didnt dampen my Cappielow experience. It was great. Its a great proper old school ground. Exactly what an old romantic wants. The Cow shed was in full voice and getting it right up the Partick fans and Jai Quitongo.

The game was an eye opener. Partick were the worst team i have seen this season and away from the Dons ive done 12 neutral games too, at all levels. They will be in danger of a double relegation(did that happen before, i think it did). Nothing about them is remotely good. Complete dross. They went up 1-0 but as soon as Morton equalised it was the Tons game. They destroyed them with ease. Miles Storey used to play for us. He is shockingly bad. He hit two shots out for throw ins in quick sucession and between the two hit a shot higher that it got distance and just landed in the small Sinclair End terracing after making contact on the pen spot.

I also got to witness something i doubt ill see again. About 70 mins in as Morton were away to score their 5th there was an f@cking massive bang above the main stand. (i was in it). Nobody knew what it was and the game carried on. Turned out a floodlight bulb exploded and showered the pitch in glass. A Morton player called the ref and it was held up for 7-8 mins as players and officials picked the shards out of the grass

Well worth the day out. Now in Ayrshire and the weathers looking awful for Rugby Park

To be noted, well played Morton vvvvvvvvvvvv