Went to Brum Tuesday night for a gig, Michael Schenker at the O2 institute. Anyway got off the train at New street and decided to walk to Digbeth via new Street which was a nightmare. The amount of homeless people sitting round in the city is unbelievable. These people just sit there, if you chose to give them money then so be it. What i do have an issue with is the ones who come up to you and ask. Three times i was harassed by the same person. Twice before the gig and once four hours later after the gig.
The third time got a bit heated. I told him to do one which he took exception to. He didn't like the fact i pointed out that he was cleaner shaven than me and if he was homeless then so was the Queen. Seems to me some people are making a career out of begging. These people are indiscriminate who they harass. Thankfully i was with my wife but if she was on her own she would have felt distressed and understandably so. All this took place in front of security guards who like the police turn a blind eye as it has become the norm. Spoiled an otherwise good night. Schenker was fantastic.