Quote Originally Posted by optipez View Post
Presuming they're fit
Turley Ward Davies Jones
Hewitt Milsom
Boudwijn Allessandra Hemmings

Possibly Tootle at RB and Turley for Davies.

We can't just carry on playing two wide men, every time we do the midfield is wide open and we get overrun. I don't like one up unless the one is a Drogba type player but we have to pack the middle and stop shipping goals to have a chance.
I think the front six players are probably the most high energy hard running players we have to pick from so for that reason alone they'd be in my team, any ideas of classy passing are gone for this season, it's a relegation battle.
Personally I think The Turley/Ward partnership is our best centre back pairing, so play them there. Play Duffers at right back cos I feel sure he's played there before ,(at a higher level). Left back please your self, they are both as bad as one another but I think i would go for Evina. The rest, (if fit), is about the best we have.