I get an email in my inbox every evening with economic news, one of the things it includes is the price of a barrel of Brent Crude. I don't keep a careful check on it, but I do always have a look. I can't be exact, but give or take a day or two and a dollar or two, I know that the price of Brent Crude has dropped by 20-25% in the past 3/4 weeks.

I don't know why it's fallen, the experts were predicting it to rise when Trump enforced sanctions on Iran last month, but as usual the experts were wrong. There's always a virtually instant rise in the price of petrol when the oil price goes up, but a time lag when it goes down. The oil price has been dropping for a few weeks now, but the prices at the pumps have held up. Surely can't be for much longer though, cheaper petrol must be on the way.