Just back from Orlando so missed the last couple of games. By the sounds of it not great, but 6 points is 6 points at this stage of the season. We have 7 games left. 7 wins will give 21 points and a final tally of 73. That actually may well prove to be enough to win this league but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This is United after all.

Tomorrow night I feel really is the key game. We have a very out of sorts QOS at home on Saturday. Win tomorrow night and you would expect (surely tae phuck!) to win on Saturday. All of a sudden you’ve then only got 5 games to negotiate and suddenly it starts to feel doable.

BUT, capitulate tomorrow and it obviously ain’t happening. However, on every level, such as gaining momentum, belief, getting the punters believing, maxing out the crowds, putting pressure on Dross County etc, then a win tomorrow could prove a major catalyst. So consequently unlike Saturday where I was hoping for a strong win, tomorrow night I’ll take any win whatsoever.