Quote Originally Posted by centenarypie View Post
Sorry but I am somewhat confused, you suggested a statement was to be made today, and then unless I am mistaken you then acknowledge that the reporting of debt was the 'statement'. I point out that I don't consider that to be a 'Statement' and you then suggest we have longer to wait ( and won't like what we hear).
For the sake of clarity and my sanity was the announced 'debt' your much anticipated statement OR is there something else?
I wouldn't worry too much, they are using the language of the charlatan. Vague comments and such, note how after no statement was announced, they used the debt news as a thing they were referring to? Also note how they have mentioned you'll wait a while and not be happy with the news, again all vague. If they knew anything, they'd straight up say what they knew, yet they don't because they know someone will be unhappy with something so they can claim credit. It's all rather sad and pathetic really, they must have a miserable life