Go away Geoff, you isn't needed on my thread son bean.
What a huge indictment of what our schools are churning out these days.

I can't believe you are dumb enough, DCFCA, not to know better than using IS with YOU. Maybe I should rethink my position on that one.

Son bean? The word is sunbeam, sunbeam.

I am now thinking, does he also pronounce think as fink? Does he say and write ARE when he means OUR. These are mistakes Dutch kids I taught don't make. 1st years started off with pronunciation. The phonetic sounds of the English language. Each different sound is made due to the shape you make with your mouth, the position of your tongue within your mouth when making a sound, does the sound come from your mouth or your throat, do you blow out when making that sound etc. I taught them the correct way to make each and every sound.

So, it was THINK and not FINK. It was THIS and THAT not DIS and DAT. They always discussed the WEATHER and not the WEVVER. They would talk about OUR house and not ARE house.

If I was an English teacher back home I would despair of the poor quality of spoken and written English. It needs vastly improving.