Quote Originally Posted by 1959_60 View Post
I really really wish I shared your optimism.

Our economy will flourish.
No problem at all with the Irish border.
Foreigners will not be welcome...unless they are super skilled.
We will do our own security.
No problem with items such as medical supplies.
We don't need farmers anyway. So 40% tariffs on sheep and even more on dairy doesn't matter, does it?
We can import what the hell we like - even if the quality and safety standards are no as good as currently (foodstuffs etc)
The EU will go bankrupt.
British courts will rule on British laws. (Oh, hang on...)
We don't need reciprocal free medical care when abroad, do we, we can buy medical insurance.
Hooray! we will have to get one of those funky green card thingys and wait for customs checks when entering/leaving Europe.
We can compete against the EU instead of collaborating with it.
The collaboration between our various science projects is overrated.
We will get our blue passport back.
We wall be poorer, but I'll have a warm smug feeling in side once we leave.
Our kids will be deprived of travel/working/living in Europe to a large extent but why on earth do they want to leave Britain in the first place?
If the foreigners get nasty with the trade deals then we'll show 'em what the Bulldog spirit is all about. We lived through the Blitz don't you know?
We will be able to buy bananas as bent as we wish.

What's not to like? Have I missed anything?
Why are you so scared of us being Independant, I can’t understand it .

We are a proud nation and I’ve lost grandparents to being prisoners of war who fought for our independence to be free and you lot of remoaners want to give it all to Brussels and hitler in a skirt for nothing.

I wander if all the youth that is constantly on debate about how they have a right to stay and the country is robbing them of a future etc.

Not once did I see an interview that asked if their grandparents fought in two wars for our great country, maybe they d have a more balanced view if they were asked that.

I’m behind Boris whatever anyone says on Brexit I still think the Eu will collapse eventually as others will take our lead and decide they don’t need to contribute billions to Brussels fat cats.

It’s easy to point the finger at Boris but as I posted before he inherited the poison chalice as for 3.5 years we have weakened our position with Europe as they have laughed at our incompetence.

I think it’s shameful what has happend across our politicians , we simply don’t have anyone fit to run the country ( the nearest is Boris ).

People on here saying liberal will do this labour will do that , conservative will do the other.

Simply they should have delivered a Brexit with a deal and moved on instead they have made themselves a laughing stock and lost the faith of the people and our democratic system, along with the option of a leave deal.

None of the parties would have been able to deliver a leave brexit as they are two self obsessed about personal circumstance and career.

It’s pathetic