Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
I would argue that support for independence is much more to do with what England is doing, rather than any tactical masterclass from the SNP. She’s got her mandate. She should use it or step aside
There is nothing more I'd like than for her to use the mandate Mason, But how does she go about that when Johnson will not grant a section 30 order ?
He and the establishment have learned lessons from 2014 Cameron thought the result would humiliate and kill off Scottish self determination. Support for Independence was at 28% in the polls at the time he agreed. Westminster had the most enormous and horrible shock when support for Independence grew to 45% during the campaign as many people for the first time in their lives heard the real arguments. !!! So never again will there be a route to Scottish Independence deemed legal by Westminster. 2014 will never be repeated. The UK will never willingly give up a third of its land, most of its fisheries, most of its mineral resources, its most marketable beef, soft fruit and whisky, most of its renewable energy potential, a ***** part of its military including its primary nuclear base, its best universities in a number of key fields including life sciences, its ready pool of intellectual and professional talent. So where does that leave us How would Mason89 use that mandate ? ..... We are now in unchartered waters but with support for Independence growing every day interesting times ahead thats for sure,