Here's to the mods!

We are all feeling and living according to the current situation of the state of the world - it's almost like a third world war feeling in some sense, only we are battling an invisible enemy - regardless of where we are currently located (I'm in Denmark, a lot of you are in England, TopToon is in Brazil etc.). Does that make sense? I hope so

I have been very busy with work - ironically I have been a lot more busy working from home than when I'm in the office - and I'm sure everyone here has got a lot on their plate at the moment. Personally, I'm just happy to see the board being (very!) active during this crisis as I'm too busy to contribute regularly.

Sorry; I'll get to the point - there are a lot of canny (Zip's word which I'm also using now ) posters on here whose contributions I thoroughly enjoy reading. Keep on being active on here, and I'll try my best to do the same.

I think the mods we have here currently are the best team that we've had in my time, and we're having some great discussions on all kinds of topics. It doesn't matter whether we agree or not, it's more that the discussions are actually taking place. I think that's probably the ideal forum to be a part of.

Cheers guys!