I’ve noted with interest during the Covid crisis and with many interviews being done from politicians houses and from the homes of the many “talking heads” that nearly all of them have bookshelves behind them.

I wonder if there’s a bit of a pose element to this......the need to look intellectual!?

I wonder how many of these books have actually been read or if the old ****o mags are hidden behind?

I don’t have bookshelves and never have done......read a book then bin it. A good book sticks in the mind so why stick it on a shelf to gather dust.

It was refreshing to see on late night SKY News that regular contributor and absolute strumpet Carole Malone has a glossy kitchen and no sign of a book.

Too busy being bent double over the expensive granite worktops to have time to read.

Bookshelves.......who needs them?

I’d rather share a house with Carole 😏
