Is anyone worried, that the current crisis may be seen as an opportunity by some officials in authority, to impose restrictions or measures long term on the public.

I ask because a certain Chief Super Adderley of Northampton is at it again, with crazy threats.
One minute he is threatening to arm every officer with a taser and also jump on drivers with the speed limit.
Now his latest lame brain threat, was to stop and search peoples shopping trolleys to ascertain, whether their shopping trip was necessary?

Sky news- Northamptonshire Police chief constable Nick Adderley prompted criticism after saying his force was "only a few days away" from "marshalling supermarkets and checking the items in baskets and trolleys to see whether it's a legitimate, necessary item".

In remarks condemned as "outrageous" by a leading civil liberties campaigner, he also warned ro*******s would be set up if members of the public did not adhere to government guidelines designed to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Now I don't know about you, but this krank is in the wrong uniform and needs one including jack boots.

One minute the police are squealing about lack of numbers to fight crime, then the next they can have a super market task force?