What's everyone's take on how the media have performed during this crisis?

Whilst I don't expect them to act as a propaganda mouthpiece for the government, I expect them to show a little responsibility when reporting on the issue.

It seems to me that when we need a balanced view for our own feeling of well being, all they are promoting is sensationalist scaremongering.

Take the last few days for example. The BBC ran all day with the headlines of an NHS Trust director, no such position, ringing them up for Burbery's phone number. Have they not got Google, didn't it sound a bit suspicious? Why didn't they make the most basic checks before running the headline?

Today's news from the ONS is that the death figures are higher when including those outside hospital, 41% say Sky and 40% the Sun, for God's sake, check your facts, those figures include deaths in care homes not related to the virus.

We have Morgan grilling ministers on the TV, why don't they ask him about unnecessary travel, why doesn't he present the show from home, why do they need 2 people to do what ones person could do?

At times like this the media have a responsibility to question the government but they shall have a responsibility to the public not to just make more and more sensational headlines.

You would think that some of them are actually enjoying this global crisis.