So now we know. Cummings has recovered from Coronavirus and is attending SAGE (Scientific Group for Emergencies) meetings.

Cummings, for those who don’t know, is a political advisor who graduated from Oxford with a degree in Ancient and Modern History.
He first worked for Iain Duncan Smith, who he described as incompetent. He then worked for Michael Gove at the DoE before becoming Director of the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign and Johnson’s chief advisor.

As regards Coronavirus he is alleged to have been a supporter of the ‘herd immunity’ strategy and advocated the adoption of that strategy as our first responsibility is to ‘protect the economy and if that means some pensioners die, too bad’!

He is undoubtedly a very clever - if equally flawed - human being. His areas of expertise are history and politics.

So what the hell is this unelected and unqualified individual doing on a group which is made up of Scientific and Medical advisors?