There was a chap on last night who was an avid socialist and well known journalist. He worked for 19 years at the Daily Mirror.

Then he enschewed such stuff, became a Tory and worked on right wing papers. He joined the Tories, advising them, became an avid brexiteer, and supporter of Boris Johnson.

So the magic question came. How did it happen?

His reply was that the older you get, the more you understand how the world works.

Thats it.

He was able to question his own beliefs, and change.

Socialists are children, mired in childish stuff. In school, behind the heads back, teachers believe you cant teach stupid. They are not only childish, but stupid, and are intent on wrecking society, while believing they are saving it.

England are playing Andorra, sounds like a girls skirt, are you excited? I am shaking with anticipation. ENGLAND ENGLAND ENGLAND.....

FFS. Are you a member of the official supporters club.? Do you spend a fortune travelling the world to watch.....this?

1200 Welsh fans in czech land last night. They need a psychiatrist.

Jane of Cherry Hinton