Saw that raph wants it lowered.

Question on that. If we were to lower it to 50 million but several teams came bidding could it turn into a bidding war?

Does Phillips have a release clause?

I continue to be surprised that Villa keep being mentioned on Phillips. Not really much of an upgrade compared to a top 6 team or someone already on championship football. Garrard has them humming but so did Bielsa. At the end of the day they don't have the talent anymore than we do to go into champions league football.

Have to say that if you got 70 million for Phillips and 60 million for Raph... take it and run. you could sign some decent players. we've been without Phillips most of the year and Raph might as well been out half the season the way he played. You could nail down some of the youth talent we have as well as sign some of the players heard mentioned in the past.