I don't know the goings on this morning and I don't agree with Acidos comments but it's made me think.

It's sad that someone can commit suicide on a motorway or any road for that matter. Why? Because it involves innocent people. When these suicidal people either jump off a motorway bridge or walk in front of a lorry in an attempt to take their own lives, they are involving innocent people who are just going about their daily business, not only that, they are potentially causing more fatalities. Cars with families in etc. That's shyte in my book- Tomorrow morning thar could be driving darn M1 at 60/70mph and suddenly a body walks art in front o thi or lands from a bridge reight in front o thi causing a serious motorway accident or potential major pile up possibly killing more people. I know these people are obviously desperate but they're no better than a suicide bomber in my eyes if they're gonna do sh1t like that and to innocent parties.

Clark Carlisle (ex footballer) walked in front of a fast travelling lorry but somehow survived. That poor lorry driver was traumatised because he obviously couldn't stop or do owt abart it and thought he was responsible for a fatality. All he did was go to work and suddenly his life has changed in the blink of an eye. Although Carlisle survived, he apologised to the driver who in all fairness didn't want to know. I don't blame him. It's the same when train drivers experience this horrible scenario. They've got to live with that for the rest of their life.

I don't like the fact a human being has died but think about the potential hurt they are causing others by carrying out these selfish acts. Always two sides to a story.