God knows how that place gets through inspections, the terraces are of different heights, and curved, whoever laid that must have been drunk, which is possible.

It must have been built in the 30s. The chances of a potential trip and injury is high. It beggarss the question of how THAT gets through football league inspections. Money in envelopoes?

Then there is the Habbin, mid fifties. Tin roof. Not fit for purpose, a dip in mid terrace.

And then there is the crowning glory of neglect, the mens loo that serves the mainstand, it must be the 40s.

Single file entry, blocked constantly near half time and full time, stinks to high heaven. Your shoulder touches your neighbour when letting go. HORRIBLE.


Meanwhile, Barry spends 2.5 million on the training ground. Peanuts by modern standards.

While those that stump up, the fans are abused in the above way, the last to benefit from anything.

And money hoses away on the community trust.

If Barry is to redevelop the Habbin, the newmarket road end, the toilets and god knows what else, it will cost an enormous amount of money, i cant compute that.

The reason Barry gives for not spending on the team is the money spent on the training ground, and now faced with the above, the first team will function on frees for another 50 years.

Meanwhile, CFU has drinks in the boardroom with the board.

CFU is a joke.

The shadow board are idiots. And Barry is laughing behind your backs. When will the above be addressed? When will life long fans not be treated like cattle in a pen?

And you support THIS??????????????