Every team used to have at least one character, entertainers who played to the crowd. Wolves had Dougan and Knowles, we had Astle, Johnston and the great John Osborne. These players were worth the entrance fee on their own, and it wasn't much in those days.
The goalkeepers were like the drummers of a rock band, characters in their own right. As kids we used to stand behind the goal and strike up a conversation with the likes of Charlie Wright. We would take the mick and he would give it back. He said once, you don't come and watch this rubbish every week do you?
Players today would be carded for the things they did back then. The game today is so bland with the rehearsed goal celebrations and players who are up themselves. Compare them with Willie Johnston who had nothing about him at all and is still meeting fans today.
Then they stop playing the Liquidator in case it offends someone. You have to sit down and only sing and shout certain stuff in case someone is offended.
I think most of the stewards previous employment was in the Gestapo.
It's these things that made me gradually fall out of love with the game and stop going.
My last game I attended was against Stoke and it was Pepe Mel's last game.