In part one of the interview he admits mistakes were made and if he could do things differently he would.

However he also talks about the animosity’s towards TA -

However, I don’t understand some of the intensity. Sure, Tony made mistakes. We all made mistakes and, ultimately, I’m the one who runs the club. I should be taking a lot of that blame. It just didn’t work out. But it wasn’t because we didn’t try.

“I don’t understand some of the animosity and, frankly, I don’t think it’s justified.”

I’m sorry MO if this is what you think it only highlights to me how far removed you are from the life blood of the club, the supporters.

Some have supported this club all their life, 50/60 years in some cases, and when their concerns were raised back in January they were flatly ignored! You chose to listen to a man whose incompetence could not be rivalled, and who treated our supporters the with sheer contempt at times. Justifying any animosity.

He goes in to say that his tenure will end in the not to distant future, but is not interested in selling the club at the moment.

Part 2 ti follow.