Quote Originally Posted by 9goals2hattricks3pen View Post
If you want to no more about what happened in 1948 and the lead up to it Exodus by Leon Uris is a great read. Yes it's a work of fiction and written by a Jew so with a bias but gives a great insight as to why Israel won.
Ilan Pappe's "The ethnic cleaning of Palestine" is another informative read and covers the period 1948-2008. The book has an obvious Palestinian bias and I don't agree with all of the arguments in it (as one reviewer at the time pointed out, he does a great dis-service to the Jews in not really understanding or discussing their motives so soon after their horrific experiences during the Second World War and the subsequent Exodus from Europe) but still makes some valid points. The Allies didn't exactly cover themselves in glory at this time either, although having to try and deal with millions of refugees (Jewish or otherwise) throughout much of Europe along with the threat of Soviet Russia and everything else meant that there were no easy solutions.