A lovely afternoon in front of the TV watching the mighty Notts cruise past a pretty poor Doncaster side...heres my take on events

Stone.. 7... Actually thought he was very good today, 1 or 2 hairy moments but done his job pretty well
Brindley..7.5.. very good today, always looked forward which is a surprise, good shift
Baldwin.. 8.. Excellent today, always available for a pass, put his foot in when needed, very good
Cameron.. 7.5.. Good game from the skipper, some good touches and always looked to go forward
Crowley... 9.. Unreal... how is he in league 2? Not a pass wasted, constantly thinking of how to hurt Donny, brilliant performance
Bostock..9... Wow... the Bostock of old, Donny never laying a glove on him, he was simply too good for them today
Austin.. 7.5.. A player I have questioned so much lately. Had a very tidy game in the engine room, delighted for the chap
Jones.. 8.5.. gutted about the pen as it was never a foul but he was instrumental in everything good in the first half, 11 assists so far speaks for itself
Nemane.. 7.5.. Bursts of what he can do, excellent for spells and won't score an easier goal, put in a great shift
Ditzy.. 9.. Outstanding performance, dropped back to iniate play so many times, some of his touches today were just pure quality, gutted he didn't get on the score sheet
Langstaff.. 9... Scored 1 and could of had 5... must be knackered after all the running today, the Macca we all know and love

Rawlinson.. 6.. slotted in well, nothing too hairy to do
Tipton.. 6.. same as Rawlo, does look a tidy footballer
O'Brien.. 6.5.. Buzzed around and got his foot in, typical JOB performance, always good to see his enthusiasm
TAB.. 6.. Did well, always loves to go forward, hard couple of weeks for the guy so fair play to him
Sanderson.. 7.. Could we have a gem here? Looks like he has a bit about him, would like to see him het more minutes to see what he can do

LW.. 10..Simply for putting a smile back on my face
Crowd.. 10.. near 13 thousand is unbelievable...sang their hearts out, brilliant support once again 👏