I enclose the Dundee Football Club Limited Filing History from the Companies House website which shows that two large blocks of shares were issued on 9th February 2024. https://find-and-update.company-info...filing-history
The first block was 14,222,222 at 1.35p each which equates £192,000 issued to Gordon Strachan in respect of his consultancy agreement with Dundee Football Club Limited dated 30th January 2023.
The second block was 3,805,716 shares in exchange for a payment due to Football Partners Scotland LLP of £51,377.17.
I have my own thoughts why Dundee Football Club Limited would be due Football Partners Scotland (FPS) this sum of money and I would be interested to read other posters thoughts on both the issue of the blocks of shares and why FPS were due this sum of money which has never happened before during the Dundee Football Club Limited financial year.