Following on from Tuesday and with Raith in a derby, there once again feels like there is the possibility of a ‘breakout’ moment. We’ve had a couple of opportunities latterly to really get ourselves properly clear for the first time this season, most notably obviously the game against Raith recently. Tomorrow may well be another of those chances as something may give in Kirkcaldy tomorrow. They may not lose but dropping points is a possibility. We failed to take advantage of that against Airdrie and to a slightly lesser extent against Partick. If such a situation arises again tomorrow, failure to take advantage by not beating Arbroath, at home, would be unforgivable.

I think we will though and if we can manage to extend our lead by ten to five tomorrow to 6 points (or even 7) I think that will prove to be the watershed moment that releases the pressure somewhat particularly with the games coming up before we play Raith again.