Quote Originally Posted by swaledale View Post
It also means optimistic in difficult circumstances and seeing as I used it in connection with Derby's performance n the league this season I tend to think its appropriate - but all of you it seems failed to understand that - I'm am surprised that rA didn't catch on, but then obviously I overestimated his understanding of language, I had no such expectations for the rest of you with some notable exceptions.
Oh I ‘caught on’, Swale. It’s also associated with complacency, being oblivious and naivety…not to mention ‘cheerful’ which isn’t the first adjective that springs to mind when one thinks of you. Not how your posts come across anyway.

Nevertheless yesterday was a big step in the right direction and the pressure is hugely relieved for the Portsmouth game. Be just like us to win that one and then lose to Carlisle…tDw!