Our defending has obviously been the talk of the town both last night and all through the season. Less mentioned is our naivety when it comes to the darker side of the game.

Last night at 4-2 and having them slightly on the ropes Jodi was clear just outside the box before being scythed down by a challenge which really should be a red card but under current laws isn’t. The defender took the yellow and the free kick led to nothing. This was the same ref who didn’t red card an even worse challenge on Jodi against Barrow.

Shortly after they broke on a counter and we had 3 players in position to commit the foul in their half and possibly take a yellow. None did, the attack carried on, eventually leading to their 5th and game over. Another example was Baldwin kicking the ball out when Wootton went down injured.

Challinor Clough and Parkinson are no doubt past masters at getting their players to be streetwise and hammering home the need to take one for the team where necessary and manage the game wherever possible. Is the setup at Notts prepare to do the same because we’ve been absolute amateurs at that side of the game for years.